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Meet the Staff

Saint Sophia Camp Staff


Perry Skaggs

Camp Director

Home Parish:
Saint Sophia, Los Angeles

Perry has been Saint Sophia Camp's Director for over 20 seasons. However, he wasn't always the Director- in fact he has served in 4 other positions and challenges many campers to guess them all!

"My favorite thing in all my many years at camp is getting to spend time with all the amazing campers, fantastic counselors and hard working staff members at the greatest Greek Orthodox Camp in the world!"

Mary Begakis
Assistant Director

Home Parishes:

Saint Sophia, Los Angeles


Mary has been a part of Saint Sophia Camp for over 2 decades! She was a long time camper, counselor, Arts and Crafts Director, Girls Director and now this season she makes her debut as Assistant Director. Her favorite part of camp is playing Hide and Go Seek but if you ever need to find her it is best to check the kitchen, where she is likely whipping up treats for the whole camp.


Rebecca Skaggs
Girls Director

Home Parish:
Saint Sophia, Los Angeles

Following in the footsteps of greats like Sarah Ballas and Mary Begakis, Rebecca has transitioned from Arts and Crafts Director to take on the role of Girls Director. Rebecca helps plan flawless camping programming and most importantly ensures that everyone feels like they’re at a home away from home when at camp. Rebecca is always ready to bring excitement and joy to every camp activity.


"My favorite camp activities are the KAMP Radio Morning Shows! They are the best way to start every day of camp."

Dimitri Dorlis
Boys Director

Before serving on Staff, Dimitri was a long-time camper and counselor who's Weekend Update sketch was a hilarious staple of the Camp Skit Night. Despite moving from the Night Director position to Boys Director, in the evening you can find him by the campfire with Yianni. By day you will find him running Olympia, emceeing Camp Family Feud, or refereeing the 3-on-3 Basketball tournament.


"My favorite camp activity has been making the movie previews with Yianni for our Camp Movie Nights each year. They're so fun to brainstorm, film, and share with the campers"

Home Parishes:
Saint George, Bakersfield


Maria Tangalos 
Arts and Crafts Director

Home Parish: 

 Saint Demetrious, Camarillo

Saint Sophia Camp’s reigning Belly Flop champion is returning for her second year on staff as our Arts and Craft Director. The position is fitting given that her favorite Camp activity is Charades because of how it brings out everyone’s enthusiasm and creative side!

“My favorite part about camp is how it is multigenerational! It connects parents, siblings, cousins, and friends in the same traditions and fun.”

Stacey Manos


Home Parish:
Saint Katherine, Redondo Beach

Saint Sophia Camp's onsite ray of sunshine Stacey is known for her positivity and upbeat attitude as well as her commitment to safety and fun in the pool!


"My favorite camp memory is my very first year at camp, I was nervous until the first campfire. I had so much fun and when we all sang Kumbaya and Rebecca and I stayed up late laughing in the cabin, I knew I had found my place"


Jeffrey Marcopulos

Home Parishes

Saint Katherine, Redondo Beach &

Saint Paul, Irvine

This season will be Jeffrey's first year on Staff. During the year, Jeffrey loves playing tennis and watching movies with friends and family. At Camp, you can find Jeffrey poolside, leading campers in engaging activities at the pool. Outside the pool, you might catch him singing and dancing to his favorite songs during the Morning Radio Show.


"My favorite camp activities are the Campfires because everyone gets to sing together, and we all feel connected as a whole Camp"

Yianni Vlahos

Night Director

Home Parish:
Saint Sophia, Los Angeles

Yianni is our Night Director, who helps keep the camp safe and secure through the night. Yianni has been on staff since 2013 and is known for his impressive magic tricks and bedtime lullabies,


"My favorite thing about camp is spending a whole two weeks with so many people that are there to genuinely have a great time and my favorite activity is sitting by the fire with Dimitri"

Dan-Kirages Bio Pic - large.jpg

Dr. Dan Kirages

Camp Doctor
Health and Wellness Director

Home Parish:
Saint Sophia, Los Angeles

Dan Kirages is a pillar in the Saint Sophia Camp community. Having previously served on Staff in the 1990's Dan has recently reprised his role in the Health and Wellness Center now as a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Camp is so lucky to have him and his wonderful Health Tips of the Day. 


"My favorite camp memory in recent years is recurring.  Nothing better than waking up early in the morning to set up the Health and Wellness Center for the day and
smelling the freshness of the mountains while listening
to the Camp Radio Morning Show"

Kathleen Kyriacou and Melanie  O'Reagan

Camp Moms

Home Parish: 

Saint Sophia, Los Angeles

Without these two incredible women, Saint Sophia Camp simply would not exist. Kathleen and Melanie work tirelessly, all year round, to make sure the Staff, Counselors, Campers and our Saint Sophia Camp Family has everything they need to continue the Saint Sophia Camp Tradition. If you are lucky enough to see them on site, give them a BIG Thank You and a hug!


©2019 by Saint Sophia Camp.

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